

The factions that the game will propably  incude are :
(Keep in mind that this is but a preview of the possible factions)
*Egypt is actually Pauravas

As we have already mentioned, our  priority is a historically accurate representation, which can be noticed by the symbol of Thrace which is the actual symbol of the Odrysian Kingdom; a state union of over 40 Thracian tribes and 22 kingdoms.

And do not forget that the goal is to unite all of the factions in one great Macedonian Empire !!!

If you want me to write awesome articles like this one find me in fiverr


  1. I wonder if you intend to use the When Worlds Collide / Hellenistic map? I think in my opinion that a campaign of Alexander the Great could only be complete with the Greek heritage if it were including the factions of Epirus Syracuse Samites Rome Etruscan Massilia Emporium Carthage Numidia New Carthage. Congratulations on work

  2. Also has a mundi map of the medieval 2 total war, could use it as the mods of Rome total war. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?534347-Falcom-Total-War-III-Description

    1. Dear Jesse.

      Regarding the mundi map for M2TW, we would have to take a look at it as we haven't seen it before.

      For the WWC map, I'm sorry for the campaign map it would be okay but it would cause generation of unnatural terrain on the battle map.

      Kind regards

  3. @Belisarius

    Check this out



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